Friday, May 31, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

In the Garden of Thoughts Movie

A smiling minute for a Thursday - to watch:  In the Garden of Thoughts Movie: This inspiring video will lift your spirit, soothe your soul, and help you feel calm amidst the chaos.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reinventing Old Classics From a Fresh Perspective

I just downloaded John Fogerty's newest album, "Wrote A Song For Everyone".  As you know, John is the founder of Credence Clearwater Revival from the 70's, one of the best bands of that era.  This new album is compliation of select songs that are sung with well-known country singers and John.  The best...... Miranda Lambert, Keith Urban, Kid Rock to name a few.  The best with a new spin.  The same thing was done last year by Lionel Richie on his  album - "Tuskegee" with the likes of Jimmy Buffett, Little Big Town, Jennifer Nettles, Shania Twain, Kenny Rogers, Kenny Chesney.

But a brillient idea - bringing back classics to re-enjoy and get a new following in the process.  I wonder who will be next?  There are many who could do this.  I guess I will have to just wait and see....

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

FBI Sketch Artist Movie

FBI Sketch Artist Movie: How do you see your own beauty? The scary fact is that most women are very hard on themselves and their looks... Worse than that is almost 100% of woman on the planet don’t think they are beautiful at all! In this powerful social experiment, an FBI trained forensics artist sketches women to reveal a hidden truth ALL women should know...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Brotherly Love

Happy Mother's Day - all mothers will feel as I did when I watched this. It's just cool.

Brotherly Love

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another One Bites The Dust

Remember that song - "Another One Bites The Dust"?  I find myself saying this when I see another fairly new restaurant fold after only being open maybe a year or two, especially here in South Florida.  Case in point - two Mexican themed establishments in Deerfield Beach near the pier and all sorts of tourist activity. One was a burrito place which was a big space in a building that houses a parking garage so parking wasn't the challenge.  I never stepped a foot in there even though I love Mexican food.  I never saw more than one or two people in the place - I wonder why? Sleek, modern looking decor and even seating out front.  Something was wrong - marketing? quality of the food?  customer service?  Another one was a spinoff of highly successful Canyon Cafe in Sunrise - "AgaveA which was between Whales Rib and a tatoo parlor. The space has been home to about four eating establishments over the past five or six years. Why don't they make it?  Small space with a nice outdoor patio where music is typically played no matter which establishment was open. There is very limited parking but again in a place where tons of people are walking around. Maybe there challenge was it was too gourmet for the area, too pricey although we ate there and loved it. They even served the prickly pear margaritas Canyon Cafe is known for. Still, no crowds ever. So this past weekend, everything gone.

When people open up a restaurant they need to do their homework.  They need to look at every side of why their establishment will do well - location, size of space, how good is the chef, who is their ideal clientele, pricing, menu, customor service, all of it. I am also fond of even bringing in a Feng Shui master to clear the space of negative energy left from the previous tenants who haven't doe well. I think people get so passionate about what they want to offer to customers and want to find a place to cook and do well that they tend to discount really knowing the market, what people want, what they will pay, having a good cook, hiring people who connect with people, etc.  Owning a restaurant is a tough deal - you are literally married to the establishment so it's not for the faint of heart. I am also a fan of interviewing people in the area of where you want to set up a restaurant to find out what's gone on in the past and what people would like to see. Maybe someday people will see the value of  hiring a coach to help them figure out exactly what they want and what that will look like. Just a thought.