I was cleaning out some files today and came across this great resource I had put together a few years back on creating a relationship with the Gatekeeper. Thought I would share these helpful tips to those who have to go through a gatekeeper to get to the decision maker:
- Treat the gatekeeper well, they may become your most valuable ally and resource.
They don't have to be seen as an adversary, they are only doing their job.
Respect them as professionals.
Ask for their help. Our natural tendency as human beings is to help when asked.
Ask them their name and use it.
Engage them in conversation each time you call, it shows you are interested in them.
Treat the relationship as if they are the decision maker.
Be sincere, honest and appreciative. It will go a long way to earning their respect.
On average, it takes 6 impressions to secure an appointment with the desired individual.
Develop a referral into the company through a colleague of the gatekeeper or the decision maker. Having
a reference changes the perceptions of you and your product/service.
Know the critical challenges facing the prospective client, and how you can assist with those challenges.
Bring those challenges and solutions into the conversation with the gatekeeper; it can change the perception you from a salesperson to a resource to be utilized.
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