Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthdays are Always Worth Celebrating

I just celebrated another birthday on Sunday. Birthdays are important for me and I feel, should be celebrated by everyone on their day of birth. In the bigger scheme of life, we are put on this earth for a purpose. Most people don't know what that is or what's important about it. Those of us who are attuned to higher thinking and spiritual growth understand this and we work on understanding what our purpose is and learning and knowing our strengths. My purpose is to help people discover their significance and their strengths and then help them figure out how to incorporate this into their lives. I like working with business people because business people spend a good deal of their lives in their work so why not figure out how you can love what you do, understand your values and strengths and bring more balance and less stress into your life.

I believe we are born on a day that was meant to be, no coincidences even if your mom had a c-section. From the time we are babies, we are celebrated by our family and friends with cake, parties, cards, etc. As we get older as adults, we tend to discount the importance of celebrating our birthdays and at times, dread having one or we would rather people ignore the day. Isn't it funny by the time people get into our 80s and 90s, we appreciate each year and want to be celebrated. So, if you are one of the many people who chose to ignore your birthday, you do what you have to do but if you think about it, why not honor your day and who you are. Let others celebrate You and acknowledge You. It feels really good and it's human nature to want to be acknowledged and appreciated. Your birthday is a perfect day for allowing that to happen. Life is precious and the more open you are to living it with passion and love, the more likely you will live a longer, healthier life.

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