Monday, June 11, 2012

Think Before You Do

Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment, especially in stressful situations that we tend to forget to see what we are doing. This happened to me yesterday - big mistake. I decided to pay my American Express bill on-line through my checking account. I hurriedly input the pertinent  information and hit process. What I forgot to do was to double verify the dollar amount I entered for payment which I didn't do. What I did do was input a number that was far more than what was owed. I immediately contacted American Express who shared with me, "too late" it's already hit our automated system. I contacted my bank and asked to speak to a manager (it was Sunday) - we decided to try and put a stop payment on the transaction which she shared with me may not work - it didn't. I got notified this morning that my account was overdrawn by this large amount so had to scramble to rectify the situation. I now have a credit with American Express and a depleted checking account but all has been taken care of.  Lesson on this for me, if I had simply SLOWED down enough to verify what I was doing before processing the transaction especially since a large sum of money was involved. 

We live in the digital world of technology which is so convenient but it can also be challenging in the sense that we aren't dealing with humans and the ability to really think before doing. I learned a hard lesson that got me pretty stressed over the past 24-hours but I have moved on and it's worked out in the long run. Bottom line, think before doing.

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