Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Can Never Forget

"No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away. They remain with us forever, like a touchstone."
—  Haruki Murakami

Eleven years ago today, actually this morning - the United States was attacked to the core of our being. From September 12,2001 forward, our lives have been changed dramatically. Just like the holocaust during WWII, mankind continues to be plagued by unrest, hate, personal agendas and suffering. These wake up calls give us opportunities to not only be alert to not allowing these atrocities to happen, but to stand in the power of Love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and maybe just maybe make a difference in someone's life to see the value in others and in being alive in this world. We have the ability to speak, to make a difference, to be aware of what's going on around us and alerting officials if something doesn't seem right. Yes, there is tremendous bureaucracy in our government and dysfunction in how some governments around the world are led. But again, we have the ability to take a step forward in the direction of helping someone else be a better person. Own this power or get help to be better at owning your power. There is tremendous good in our world as well and events such as these mentioned brings out the best in people who come together to help.

We must never forget and we must never not get involved. We can change things, one step at a time.

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