Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Customer Service

I conducted a workshop yesterday within an organization who deal with the public. They are trying to get better at serving the clients (service industry).  We spent most of our time together talking about internal customer service - how people relate and communicate with each other inside the organization.  You have to get this right first before you can serve others outside the organization.  There has to be a culture of trust, respect, compassion, kindness before it shows up to the public.  Leaders and management have to create a great culture with their teams before they can be successful serving others.  You will see it in the faces of the employees and in the atmosphere of the office space. I had people do an exercise where they had to list what they give to others in the organization and list what they receive from others. They got up and shared and it was touching.  Most organizations don't do this enough and it's shows up in high staff turnover, poor morale, lack of motivation, lack of caring, sterile environments, etc. Think about this.  What is one small thing I can do starting tomorrow that will help people Be better as humans, as employees, serving others?

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