Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Week

Everyone is getting ready for the big day of eating, enjoying the company of family and friends and possibly traveling.  Many people will be providing service to others in the form of helping feed the hungry, delivering food to the needy, collecting food, etc.  This is a great time to also reflect on what's good in your life, what you are grateful for and sharing that with others.  If you are doing the cooking, think about the neighbor, business associate or friend who may be alone and invite them over. Think of ways you can express your gratitude to the people in your life by remembering to thank them for something they have done - something as simple as r being in your life. Gratitude creates tremendous energy that comes back at you many times.  How can you incorporate more of recognizing this in your life? In the service of others is one way to spark the attention around the benefits of gratitude.  Have a blessed and safe holiday.

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