How good are you at follow up? Since I am a stickler about follow up I thought I would write this little blog on the subject. There are messages being conveyed when we do follow up and when we chose to not follow up. Most people are not aware or concerned about the message but it's an important one to consider.
When someone meets with you or you have a conversation with them at a networking event, on the phone or even in a social setting and you take their card and/or number and tell them you are going to contact them, do you? Why can't we be more honest with ourselves and with others and tell them whether you will contact them or not. If you don't want to contact them, say so it in a gracious way, it's that simple. If you are honest and kind, you probably won't offend them and if you do, it's not about you rather it's their agenda and since we only have control over ourselves, you can't take responsibility for their reaction. Just be kind in your dialog. Life would be so much simpler if we speak our truth.
The message we convey when we follow up is that we are doing what we said we would do; we are showing them respect and courtesy in acknowledging them. The message we convey when we choose to ignore someone and not respond is telling them that they are not important or are insignificant - "I can't be bothered", "my plate is too full there fore I have no time to respond to them". How many times have you thought these thoughts?
But.....what will separate you from others is taking a few minutes to simply acknowledge people, get back with them and if you don't want to create a relationship, be honest in a kind way. This will be hard for many people especially women who at times have a problem saying "no". Good practice to start in a follow up situation.
I attend networking events all the time and chose to listen and ask questions engaging people in dialog. If I want to start a relationship, I'll take the person's card and tell them I'll be sending them an email, text message or call them and I do. If I don't see synergy between us, they may give me their card but I make no commitment to contact them. If someone shares that they will follow up with me and I can help them, introduce them to someone else or they bring value to me, I take their calls or respond to their emails but I also tell them if there is no synergy or I can't really bring them value and thank them and wish them well.
So, next time you have a follow up opportunity, what will you do? How will you handle the situation? What is your message and what is it's significance?
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