Here is another coaching example......
Small business owner eeking out a decent living and loving what he does. Gets approached by someone who would like to partner with this owner and start a new venue combining forces with the idea that they can do great things together.
Owner contacts a coach he knows to share the conversations he has had with this could be partner. Owner decides to hire coach to help him sort out his feelings, concerns, beliefs, vision before he has the next conversation with the would-be partner. Owner and coach create their relationship (we call this designing the alliance in the CTI world) around accountability, expectations, etc. Coach asks some thought provoking questions to have owner think about what his vision is, what he likes about this offer and more importantly, the person. Also questions on what challenges he sees could happen and fears he may have. This is all mapped out on flip charts for further contemplation by owner. After this in-depth conversation the owner feels he knows what his next steps will be and has committed to the coach that he will follow up with coach on a certain date to share the results of his actions.
This was a brainstorming session which I do often typically for two hours. These type of clients contact me for additional coaching on new opportunities, new challenges that have come up, etc. Typically the owner will see the value of the coaching experience and if he feels that the partnership is full of potenital will have a conversation with his new partner to be about having a coaching session with the two of them and the coach to get really clear on roles, expectations, vision, dream, challenges, fears, communication, etc. At this stage, coaching is with the partners - not with one person and the partners. Clarity of this role as coach has to be discussed and a new alliance is desgined. Very effective work.
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