I was reading in People magazine about the unsung heroes of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in NJ and NY. Some people from outside the area packed up their cars, vans, food trucks, and the like and drove to NJ or Staten Island and set up food stations, places for people to get a hot meal. How they felt afterwards was rich in satisfaction and feeling of pride in making a difference. This can be life-changing, taking away a focus from self-gratification and ego to maybe understanding the higher purpose we all have access to. Too many people drift through life, day after day just mentally getting by many times stressed. What a sad way to live. Are you one of them? How satisfied are you with your life? Who you have in it? What you do for a living?
During the holiday season, while you are preparing for family events, being with friends and getting into a spirit of giving, great time to do some reflecting on what's important in your life. What do you cherish the most? What do you long to do? Who haven't you heard from in awhile? Who could you say you appreciate them for something? Who could use your help and guidance? Think about it, I guarantee you will feel better about yourself if you act on this.
After all, we are born to this Earth to give back, the hard part is knowing what that is.....the easy part is doing it. Think about it for awhile and then do something about it.
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