Thursday, April 4, 2013

Culture Due Diligence

If Cultural Due Diligence is overlooked it can be very costly for a company.  The following warning signs are examples of the affect of discounting the value of the people involved.

  • Increased employee turnover causing diminished sense of employee loyalty

  • Loss of existing company culture causing turnover problems

  • Long drawn out transition period before integration plan or process takes place, therefore employees go elsewhere or are so caught up in the fear of the unknown that they are paralyzed

  • Decrease in productivity because of the current need for damage control by management

  • Decrease in productivity because of inconsistent communication on current focus and goals going forward – failure to keep employees informed

  • Employees don’t have a voice in what’s next or in the integration solutions

  • Employees are impacted by what’s happening – change to work routine, assignment and the reporting structure

Coaching decreases the threat of any of the above situations becoming a reality. Experienced and trained coaches listen and hear the voice of the company. As experienced coaches, we have been trained and have the appropriate coaching tools to dispel the fears and start working on what is being created going forward.  

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