Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Engaging People to Communicate

My passion shows up when I am working with a group of mid-level managers,helping them get better at communicating with each other and learning to be more communicative to the people they supervise. I always start out with a fun, simple exercise "getting to know you" where people share something about themselves. Then it's important to create a safe space.where they feel comfortable enough to talk about what really matters. All voices are important and need to be heard, without judgment.  Talking about the good, the bad and the ugly is very important as when you clear the air of what's really going on, you have the opportunity of moving forward. One way of doing this is asking everyone to share what's each person is good at and what each person could be better at.

Because safety is created and everyone agrees to no judging and no repercussions, typically they will share with honesty. From this, new ways of Being with each other has the possibility of changing behaviors - step by step.  Committing to action and accountability has to occur as well so everyone gets to voice what has to happen going forward and share what they commit to.  When someone requests that others call them on behavior that doesn't serve them is a huge first step to changing behavior. This is easy for some people and very hard for others.  If you can take baby steps to more open dialog, trust and respect will return.

Trust, Respect and Credibility have to be present in leading people. If any one is missing, there will be a negative impact on the team. Trust, Respect and Credibililty shows up more often when communication is clear and transparent and there is a willingness to accept that on one is perfect, mistakes get made but we move on.  Also, never forget the importance of showing appreciation to others - we don't do this enough in our society and it simplly makes people feel really good about themselves.

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