Monday, September 30, 2013

Listening and Personalities Differences

I am a fan of DISC personality assessment results although not necessarily the 34 pages of result information you get back -I like it simple and to the point .  As a trained CTI coach, we listen to our clients at various levels. Not just words but emotions, body language, what's not being said, etc. So this whole process is easier for me but is not for most people.  Each of us has a different style of communicating, processing information, temperament, etc. Here are a few clues on what to listen for when  communicating with a particular personality type (DISC)

High Dominant  (results)                High InFluencer (creative ideas)     High Steady (process)
 - next steps                                 - emotions                                       - how to serve others
 - power                                        - what's popular                             - how to please others
 - competency                               - opportunities for fun                      - other's ideas are important first

High Compliance (facts)
 - details
 - logic

What do you notice about the different styles?  What's important to understand here?  Which of these do you relate to?  Setting intentions before you go into a meeting will be helpful so the boss hears you and you hear him/her.  You may have to set some boundaries on how you will BE when you meet, especially if you are an opposite to the boss' personality. Keep your eyes and ears open to figure out who people are in your circle of influence whether that's work, home, play.  Read some books on personality differences, take a personality assessment and be observant and possibly write down in a journal what you are discovering about this.  Could open up a new world for you where you understand others a bit better, become a better listener and communicator.

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