Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Being vs Doing

I use the Enneagram Assessment tool to create awareness around personality traits that my clients will discover about themselves which impacts change.  I am a "7" - "The Enthusiast" with a theme of "I love life and want to experience it all!"  This is a good thing but I also have a tendency to have one foot into the future anticipating what's next vs in the Now where there are clues to opportunities and inspiration which will help me on my journey. Typically I move very quickly in action and thought and a lesson for me is to purposelly slow down and be present.  That is what I am practicing as I write this and as I proceed with my day.  So what is the Being vs the Doing?  If I don't allow myself to feel sadness or frustration when they appear and instead rush into "next" I am more in my head - doing vs. in my heart -being which really is where we find our greatest joy and inspiration. Who knows I may find something totally unexpected that I need in my life and I am open to those possibilities.

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