Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update on Being in the Present Moment

Well, it's been 24-days nows since I have been making a conscious effort to stay in the present moment.  Studies show that it takes about 21-days for a change in habit to stay with you.  I have to agree here as I am able to access being in the present moment, daily, even hourly.  If I catch myself in a thought away from where I am, I simply take 3 breaths and I am back in the present.  What I have noticed is I have a tendency to sing a song in my head a lot so I am now writing down what those songs are - this is very interesting!!!!!  I also noticed that I am so much more calm and I am seeing things I normally haven't seen.  Examples include:  while driving back from West Palm Beach this morning, I drove Federal Hwy vs. the interstate.  I saw such fabulous old buildings, especially restaurants that have been there for a long time - lots of Mexican food, Cuban, Haitian, deli, diners, etc.  When I stopped on an errand in Boca Raton, I noticed the cool eye glasses a sales lady (I always deal with) had on and she said she has worn them for 20 years. Where am I taking this - I am more calm, less worried, finding clues and inspiration from ordinary things that cross my path and enjoying the experiences more.  I know it serves me well to continue this awareness as I grow my business and live my life in balance, for this I am grateful.

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