Thursday, September 16, 2010

Trust and Collaboration

Trust and Collaboration - two huge issues for many companies especially in South Florida.  I have been working with companies around these issues which really stem from the lack of open communication and transparency.  It starts at the top in leadership and trickles down to everyone so it's important to tackle these challenges to be able to move forward.  It's the responsibility of leadership to convey a clear message of what's expected, admit mistakes when they happen, praise people and learn to trust others to help you guide the ship to smoother sailing.  I have created surveys I send to leaders who are open to taking a pulse of what people's feelings are and the belief systems inside of the companies.  From the results, work can begin on changing the culture allowing for more collaboration, better communication and eventually trust will start to show up. Be aware of the value of trust and collaboration and start doing something about before it affects your business.

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