Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who Are You?

I have been finding a common theme amongst some companies in the mortgage industry around not disclosing who the executive team is.  The web sites talk about what the company does and how they do it but they don't talk about who is leading the teams, why they got in the business in the first place, what their strengths are or their backgrounds. Having been in national sales for many years and now in my coaching practice, I share with leaders I am in conversation with how important it is to talk about yourselves. Maybe there is fear around a competitor stealing away good people - what a shame as if you are so concerned about losing someone to another company, maybe it's time to step back and learn about the person and what you value in them and convey the message of who you are as a company and how they fit in with value. This is probably a whisper to me as potential future business to share with these companies how significant it is to talk about your Why. Hmmm, I'll have to stew on that one.

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