Monday, May 24, 2010

Character Strengths

So I took a strengths test last week (I have taken about six different ones).  My top strength is "Gratitude" which is what I am going to talk about here.  I say an affirmation every morning - " I live in gratitude for the many gifts that come my way as the day unfolds".  I then proceed to say with conviction - "thank you" ten times.  You would be surprised at the little things that pop up during the day that work in my favor and I always follow them with "thank you".  Making it across the bridge before they close it; finding the right parking space; being someplace on time when I was so concerned I was going to be late; traveling on I-95 and not being delayed by stopped traffic.  The big ones - appreciating my loving family and friends; my good health, positive outlook on life, where I live, being a US citizen; bringing value to my clients are just some of things I am grateful for.

Oprah got me motivated in 1994 to start writing down five things I am grateful for in a gratitude journal.  I have practiced this for 16 years and each day is always different in some way.  Doing this exercise has made me very aware of all the gifts around me.

What has happened to you in the past hour that you can say "thank you" for?  My wish is that you become more aware of the little things that make life a bit easier in the direction of happiness.

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