Monday, August 2, 2010

Thought Provoking Awareness - What Do You Think of You?

I have some of my clients and the girls I mentor through Women of Tomorrow complete the following exercise  What would be a benefit for doing this exercise?  When you start thinking of the answers and writing down your thoughts, a new idea or a new level of consciousness may show up on who you are.  These are all great areas for coaching.  You complete the following sentences:

 - I am incredibly _____________________________________________________________
 - I am lousy at  ________________________________________________________________
 - I am ____________________ intelligent
 - I have a gift or natural ability of ________________________________________________
 - I am extremely good at _______________________________________________________
 - I am a_________________athlete
 - Most people who really know me think I am ________________________________________
 - I will never learn to ___________________________________________________________
 - I am just average at  _________________________________________________________
 - My life is __________________________________________________________________
 - My future is going to be _______________________________________________________
 - I would rather be ____________________________________________________________
 - I am far too ________________________________________________________________
 - My health is _________________________________________________________________
 - I am _________________________ to look at
 - I am ________________________ prosperous

After writing out your answers, what you are discovering about yourself that you haven't thought about ever or in a long time?  You can also pick one area to possibly work on to improve something that isn't currently working for you.  All food for thought.

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