Friday, August 20, 2010

Using Experts in Mortgage Banking Arena to Teach Others How to Be a Great Lender

I attended the quarterly meeting of the Florida Quality Council today here in South Florida.  I used to be very active with this group, president for two terms in the late 90's and have kept my relationships with some members.  As the speakers were presenting today on fraud and updates on what's going on with the government and regulating the industry more and more, I thought of the tremendous brain power that was in the room - many experts in quality lending.  There were title, appraisal, fraud investigators, lenders, consultants on credit risk and quality control in attendance.  Many of these people know the value of quality lending and could teach lenders and consumers the importance of good lending and what to look out for to prevent mortgage fraud.  Having been in the industry for 16 years in the property valuation side of the business and being actively involved with this group and the MBA's sub-committtee on mortgage fraud, I bring value in helping create a group of experts to go out and present and engage the industry in understanding the new regulations and awareness of how mortgage fraud is still being committed.  Now I need to think about how this can evolve........

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